Friday, October 5, 2012

The madness before a mandi

So we participated in the recent Kitsch Mandi (a forum where upcoming designers showcase some fun stuff). Well, you always think you have it all under control till just the day before the exhibition :) and that's really when hell breaks lose. I guess we could safely blame Murphy for it ;) cause he insists on being my best friend. Sticking with me through all my ups and downs. Mostly responsible for the downs but well, the lesser said about that, the better it is.

Nonetheless, the day of the exhibition turned out to be quite fun. The energy of the mandi always has you in high spirits. To top that, when you have some sales going, the day just couldn't get better. Leaving you with some peeks of our stall:) 

The kitsch AB lamp, C&H clocks, filmy pouf
The 'Inhein Khaana Mat' range of serving trays
Weekend slings

Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's been about this and that..but we are back

Waking up every morning for the last few months, I kept promising myself to write some long pending blogs. Clearly the part of my brain loving designing always won over the writer one and I would succumb to creating something new. 

Well, time's been zipping through and Dash of Bling's growing into something so fine, it's super exciting and challenging at the same time. Will leave with you with a little peek of what's really gone on while I've been missing from here :) 

The Daaru pouf 

The super fun drinking game close up

The drinking game: sure to have you spinning by the end of it 

We all have friends who this would be perfect for 
Oh and yes, we think alcohol does lend itself to some crazy quirky stuff but we have tonnes more besides 'Daaru' stuff too, I promise :) More up super soon!