Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bean me!!

Bean bags seem to be the biggest delight these days. The comfort of sinking into one, with a book in hand, especially on a lazy afternoon lies unmatched. Not only that, they make for the most ideal gifts for friends and loved ones across occasions.

I had gifted one to my hub and then worked on a similar one for a client. The positive reactions are what really prompted me to make one for my lil sis who had been wanting one for the longest time. Ofcourse I had the freedom to choose the character and design since it was a prezzie and that made things easier :P 

I narrowed down on a Garfield beanie. Garfield with his 'witty one liners' and 'care a darn attitude' seemed to perfectly reflect my sister's take on life. Will let her feedback and reaction, do the rest of the talking :)

Oh and coming soon; a bean bag design paying a 'tribute to MJ', a 'my fav rock bands' beanie and a 'pumpkin' one too. 


Shambhavi said...

I have never loved my sistaaarrr sooo much.. Finally, she gives me something that will make me talk about her... I absolutely absolutely louuuu itttt...!!

Sangheshwar, my birthday is coming up soon.. scratch your brains :D :D I am never tired of gifts as you are aware.

Dash of Bling said...

I think this gift shud suffice for the next few yrs to go!!

Husain said...

YAYYY... I get to watch the cat fight here too... NAICEEE...! GO GO GO...!