Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let's cut a long story short - who we are and what we really do!

So we have been a bit erratic with our blog posts and of course we could have our long list of excuses furnished but I'd rather skip that, save us all the boring blah blahs and get to the point. 

After being around for more than a year, I finally think a post on who we are and what we really really do should be out there. If you've ever spent a moment wondering this too, then go on and read some ...

Our eureka moment happened sometime around Jan 2012 when I realized it was a better idea for me to lose some weight chasing my dreams rather than running behind jobs I didn’t fancy much. That’s what led to Dash of Bling’s creation. Why 'Dash of Bling' though? We have a thing for slightly long names – starting from mine – Sanghmitra, but then we love cropping them to make them sound fun. So Sanghmitra became Sangs and Dash of Bling, DOB :) 

Besides my love for polkas (you’ll see tonnes of them soon in our upcoming designs) and chocolates and ice creams even, I love creating the perfect gifts – most times for others and sometimes for myself even. So yes, if you are looking for something which you want to gift a friend or for someone you love, all you need to do is write to us at 

If custom gifts are not what you are looking for but instead are in the mood for some retail therapy, then you could look up our entire range. 

Our website page will be up supppper soon but till then our FB page is fairly updated:

That's the long and short of it mostly. If you wanna know more, drop by here on and off and you'd definitely get to see tonnes. Will definitely be back with a post of the newness soooper soon :) Till then, happy browsing 

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