Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Customised you say?

More often than not when I find myself interacting with clients at exhibitions - the one question I almost always get asked is - can you custom make it? And when they hear you say yes, you can almost see their eyes light up.

Makes you wonder what it is about customisation that makes people go that way. Is it about it making you feel special? Have you ever been gifted something custom made and felt the excitement? I remember, this one time, when Mr. J (read the hub) gifted me a lil something for my neck - with lil pearls, that equalled my age. I still remember feeling elated and on top of the moon - just cause it made me feel so special and it made me feel that he cared enough to take the pains of getting it made for me. 

I guess it's that moment we wish to create with our surprises and lil custom made gifts. We hope it makes the person feel as special as they truly are for us. Well, just so you know and if already did know, then just to remind you, that yes we do custom make almost anything for your special someone. Some of our best sellers in custom made include - custom made lamps, beanies (yes we are back with em), scarves, clocks, iPad and laptop sleeves, bags/clutches and so on. If you need a gift package done of their favourites, we could help you create that too. Just shout out to us with a theme and let's create some magic. 

Here are a couple of pix of the lamps we have done :))

Oh btw, if you haven't already, do also look up our website www.dashofbling.in to check out some of our existing designs :)

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