Sunday, September 18, 2011

The seeds were planted...

Speaking of planning surprises, here's what I often hear people say, 'I wish I had thought of it earlier', 'how would I put all these ideas together', 'such an elaborate idea would be too expensive', 'I would love to, but it's just beyond me...' etc etc. And then there’s me who can write a blog on it. I love throwing surprises for people. I constantly look out for opportunities to plan a surprise for something as basic as a birthday to planning an entire cocktail evening. 

My sister in law is a film journalist by profession, an outcome of her obsession for anything Bollywood. Her job entails mingling with the who's who of the industry, so obviously when she was getting married, I decided to draw inspiration from her obsession. I planned a Bollywood style premier night for her. It would have the works, red carpet, paparazzi, box office counter with entry tickets, larger than life billboards, cutouts, a sheela ki jawani stage amongst others. And there would be only one star – her.

The evening turned out to be grander than expected and of course reassured me that this passion had potential. Here is the evidence :)

The husband to be requesting for an autograph while the paparazzi click away
The priceless reaction

The 'Rab ne bana di jodi' inspired billboard

The much spoken about popcorn table centers
The billboard featuring the stars of the evening 
Posing with the camerman cut-out with the clapboard
highlighting the event in the background

The film strips on either sides of the stage to add to the effect

A bollywood night would have been incomplete without all the naach gaana and of course a film which the premier was being held for.

Doing this was a lot of fun but the reactions it evoked, was the icing on the cake. More later...

1 comment:

kp said...

I was a lucky witness to this very ground-breaking and innovative event. The person behind it all (read Sanghmitra) is a genious. All the detailing and thoughfulness involved in the execution of each n every bit, completely floored every one present there. Its amazing how Sanghmitra can take a single trait or aspect of a person's life and create an entire event around it, leaving everyone in awe.