Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A fab sunday with a surprise visitor

So we had a super fun Sunday; a fab fab sale day but for the rather crazy ending with a surprise visitor. I was quite expecting her to show up but the others around me were pretty confident she wouldn't and so we just decided to play it by the ear.

Of course, come evening and there she was - descending upon us, rather furiously with thunder storms. Yes, we are indeed referring to the rain goddess. Had us all soaked to the bone. 

She was in no mood to spare our goodies even. Not surprising, I was panic stricken but I was flanked by two super heroes by my side that night - G & G who fought the odds to have everything tucked away safely, me included :) and it all went well from there. 

Here's a peek into what we looked like that day - all happy and cheery. 

1 comment:

Shambhavi said...

Wwwoooo... quite elaborate! :) well done you.