Friday, October 11, 2013

The fun festival of lights and other dos

So, that time's back when the year's going to be racing at breakneck speed. Before you know it we'd be welcoming twenty fourteen. 

We of course are trying (our fav word these days) to catch up and be ready in time to launch our latest collection for the upcoming festivities. There's loads of exciting stuff, we promise. To add to this, we are also churning out tonnes of custom made orders for birthdays and other dos. 

Our work place looks like it's been hit by some typhoon of sorts with crumpled paper of not so convincing illustrations lying all over. Add to that, a few half baked presentations awaiting final touches and a phone that just never stops ringing (never said that was a bad thing :P). All in all, we are busy trying to stay afloat but meanwhile, here's a food for thought that we stumbled upon...

hope it motivates you too to keep doing the cha cha :)). 

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