Saturday, October 29, 2011

What's been cooking lately

The season of celebrations has had me working on a few exciting cake orders along with a couple of other things. 

The Ravan cake was done for my dearest brother who was a part of the team that successfully completed and launched the film The cake was a small gesture to show the family's appreciation of his hard work and to appreciate the blockbuster opening of the film. 

The Karnataka shaped cake was more of a corporate order done by a team belonging to the Karnataka region celebrating their success. 

Both the themes were a delicious hit :) 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stories in felt

There's a lot that can be said about you just by what you adorn. I guess that’s what makes us want to find just the right thing to walk around with, the thing that says, ‘this is me’. Ofcourse, that said, guess it's the most difficult part. To get something you love, in the colour you love, with the motifs you love almost seems like wishing for the stars, barring when you hit Dash of Bling ;)

The latest offerings are some fun stories woven in felt. The theme showcased being buntings.These bunting bag designs called Kimi wristlets make for perfect carry along to those lazy brunches, dinners or even those fancy get togethers. And if work’s on your mind, team these up and complete the look with the fun IPad covers and pouches.
Kimi wristlets 

Ipad cases
Personalized pouch for jewellery, make up, stationary 
What’s more, these can be made to order in your preference of colours and the designs too can be altered. All you need to do is share the story you want felted. So order yours before the collection flies away :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Of quilted dreams and more

My bedroom is my den. After a long day at work, or when the weather gets chilly, or when its pouring outside, the one thing I find myself longing for, is my quilt. During my university days in London, I remember having a duvet cover which I specifically had, cause it reminded me of home. Not only that, I still have my favourite quilt which I love to use when I go visit my parents. 

Quilts have always had something about them, some warmth besides the literal one which makes them very personal and comforting. And that’s really the latest offering from Dash of Bling; ofcourse with a difference.  That’s right, these can be customized to suit your needs in terms of colour, fabric, designs, size etc. and that’s not just for you adults but also for the little ones.

These range of quilts and rugs are perfect for ‘soon to be parents’ or even young parents who am sure have a huge wish list for the ideal room décor for their kids. Oh and these can also be customized to have the baby’s name and birthdate on it.

So go ahead and bring out that designer in you :)

Quilted for the boys :)
Train patchwork quilt
quilt with the baby's name on it
Printed striped quilt
Patchwork rug
Patchwork rug for the boys

Floral rug in aqua and green
Garden themed rug

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Graduation Goggles

If you have been a ‘How I Met Your Mother’ fan, my title would immediately give it away.  But for those of you who aren’t aware, ‘Graduation Goggles’ is about how once you emotionally realize that your time of having to deal with some crap (job, specific relationship) is finite, it suddenly becomes endurable or even okay. I personally couldn't agree more with this theory and of course it was proven true with one of our close colleague’s decision to quit.

He decided to move on for a better opportunity to one of the most aspired companies - Google. The shift is obviously a big one for him but while he moves on, I guess we will be left behind missing him quite a bit. And though we haven’t expressed this before, we wanted him to know how much he meant to us, obviously without stating it in as many words. So we decided to make him a memento in the form of a poster and coined it ‘Graduation Google’ (pun intended). 

The idea behind the poster was to bring alive our treasured moments which were nothing more than efforts on our part to make this boring place more exciting. The visuals are clearly inspired from things that are very relevant to us.

To help you get the humour behind the visuals, will let you in on a couple of the jokes - the fish hook hanging off the O is inspired from the face one of us makes which was coined as the 'Fish Hook Expression', ask him to join us for a drink and the list of excuses could really help write a book, the mouse comes in to remind him of one of us who loves to hijack the mouse to explain any query put forth. Needless to say, the gift managed to do its job over efficiently ;)

These posters can be customized to whatever the brief is :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Current events

Any opportunity to celebrate is always welcome and that's really what's kept me busy the whole of last week. 

After  the bachelorette cake assignment, I had a couple of exciting  events  to work upon. One was an ‘arriving soon’ cake and the other was a birthday cake celebrating 'the big 30'. While for the baby shower the requirement was limited to the cake, the 30th birthday was something that had me working on a few customised gifts.

For the birthday, the idea was to convert the undying love for chocolates into a more fulfilling experience. From the cake which was inspired from her favourite chocolate, to the personalized chocolate sleeve, all planned to make it a memorable day.

For the dying love for the baby's bottom

It finally comes down to being able to identify that one love and bringing it alive in a manner which is unique and which promises an enjoyable experience.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Potter's magic

Blue pottery has always managed to fascinate me and found me craving for more. The unique form of art which hails from the Pink City was introduced to the country by the Mughals. Back then it lent its usage more as an architectural accessory but was gradually over time borrowed by the artisans to ornament beautiful pieces of adornments.  

These Persian blue dyed clay pieces uniquely blend the times gone by with a touch of modernity. The handmade motifs of flowers and animal designs only add to creating some strikingly magnificent pieces. Showcasing some of those…

And if this isn’t for you, then I have something quite funky to offer as well... 

Very light in weight
P.S. There are many more designs but not showcasing all here. You could drop me a mail if you'd like to see more of these :)  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The CAKE before the PLUNGE!

Bachelor parties have always been a rage. Lately with the girl's stepping in to celebrate their versions of it, guess the excitement's just gone up manifold. I was fortunate to be able to contribute to one such party through a custom made cake. 

The brief for the cake was fairly simple - 'it had to live up to the expectations of a bachelorette party cake by adding to the evening but that without getting excessively kinky'. Of all the ideas suggested, the girls liked the idea of a 'tent cake' which showcases four legs jutting out from the tent (naughty I say ;)). 

Though I had very limited time to turn this order around, guess the end product and the feedback was worth every bit of running around. Behold...

The final fling before the ring