Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Graduation Goggles

If you have been a ‘How I Met Your Mother’ fan, my title would immediately give it away.  But for those of you who aren’t aware, ‘Graduation Goggles’ is about how once you emotionally realize that your time of having to deal with some crap (job, specific relationship) is finite, it suddenly becomes endurable or even okay. I personally couldn't agree more with this theory and of course it was proven true with one of our close colleague’s decision to quit.

He decided to move on for a better opportunity to one of the most aspired companies - Google. The shift is obviously a big one for him but while he moves on, I guess we will be left behind missing him quite a bit. And though we haven’t expressed this before, we wanted him to know how much he meant to us, obviously without stating it in as many words. So we decided to make him a memento in the form of a poster and coined it ‘Graduation Google’ (pun intended). 

The idea behind the poster was to bring alive our treasured moments which were nothing more than efforts on our part to make this boring place more exciting. The visuals are clearly inspired from things that are very relevant to us.

To help you get the humour behind the visuals, will let you in on a couple of the jokes - the fish hook hanging off the O is inspired from the face one of us makes which was coined as the 'Fish Hook Expression', ask him to join us for a drink and the list of excuses could really help write a book, the mouse comes in to remind him of one of us who loves to hijack the mouse to explain any query put forth. Needless to say, the gift managed to do its job over efficiently ;)

These posters can be customized to whatever the brief is :)

1 comment:

geetlee said...

awesome, just love it!
love the new background to the blog too! :)
big hugs