Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Current events

Any opportunity to celebrate is always welcome and that's really what's kept me busy the whole of last week. 

After  the bachelorette cake assignment, I had a couple of exciting  events  to work upon. One was an ‘arriving soon’ cake and the other was a birthday cake celebrating 'the big 30'. While for the baby shower the requirement was limited to the cake, the 30th birthday was something that had me working on a few customised gifts.

For the birthday, the idea was to convert the undying love for chocolates into a more fulfilling experience. From the cake which was inspired from her favourite chocolate, to the personalized chocolate sleeve, all planned to make it a memorable day.

For the dying love for the baby's bottom

It finally comes down to being able to identify that one love and bringing it alive in a manner which is unique and which promises an enjoyable experience.


Chandni NK said...

wah wah...lovely ideas & cakes...also love the new dash of red ;)

Dash of Bling said...

Coming soon: Customized Diwali chocolate sleeves :)Look out for those