Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Customised you say?

More often than not when I find myself interacting with clients at exhibitions - the one question I almost always get asked is - can you custom make it? And when they hear you say yes, you can almost see their eyes light up.

Makes you wonder what it is about customisation that makes people go that way. Is it about it making you feel special? Have you ever been gifted something custom made and felt the excitement? I remember, this one time, when Mr. J (read the hub) gifted me a lil something for my neck - with lil pearls, that equalled my age. I still remember feeling elated and on top of the moon - just cause it made me feel so special and it made me feel that he cared enough to take the pains of getting it made for me. 

I guess it's that moment we wish to create with our surprises and lil custom made gifts. We hope it makes the person feel as special as they truly are for us. Well, just so you know and if already did know, then just to remind you, that yes we do custom make almost anything for your special someone. Some of our best sellers in custom made include - custom made lamps, beanies (yes we are back with em), scarves, clocks, iPad and laptop sleeves, bags/clutches and so on. If you need a gift package done of their favourites, we could help you create that too. Just shout out to us with a theme and let's create some magic. 

Here are a couple of pix of the lamps we have done :))

Oh btw, if you haven't already, do also look up our website www.dashofbling.in to check out some of our existing designs :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Lights, camera, let's have some fun

Photo shoot days always have this crazy energy about them. Everyone seems super jumpy and excited amidst all the chaos. 

We had our share of those days when we did one for DOB recently and we are quite in love with the results. We had two super fun, sexy friends model for us and they did so more than willingly :)) and made our day. Here's a shout out to them too for all the love and energy they brought to the shoot - Ekta Kataria and Anisha Mehta - you two were simply awesome! Thanks for being DOB's face for the season :)) and of course to Ms. Y, for helping us wing the entire thing. 

For now, we'll leave you with a sneak peak of the behind the scene madness  :))

We are fab at multi tasking :) Miss Y gets Anisha's make up sorted
This is how we love to work :)

The final touches
We love posing and when we have a photographer to do so, why not make the best of it ;)
Pictures of our latest collection will be up soonly :) till then you could look up some of our fun stuff on www.dashofbling.in 

Friday, October 11, 2013

The fun festival of lights and other dos

So, that time's back when the year's going to be racing at breakneck speed. Before you know it we'd be welcoming twenty fourteen. 

We of course are trying (our fav word these days) to catch up and be ready in time to launch our latest collection for the upcoming festivities. There's loads of exciting stuff, we promise. To add to this, we are also churning out tonnes of custom made orders for birthdays and other dos. 

Our work place looks like it's been hit by some typhoon of sorts with crumpled paper of not so convincing illustrations lying all over. Add to that, a few half baked presentations awaiting final touches and a phone that just never stops ringing (never said that was a bad thing :P). All in all, we are busy trying to stay afloat but meanwhile, here's a food for thought that we stumbled upon...

hope it motivates you too to keep doing the cha cha :)). 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A fab sunday with a surprise visitor

So we had a super fun Sunday; a fab fab sale day but for the rather crazy ending with a surprise visitor. I was quite expecting her to show up but the others around me were pretty confident she wouldn't and so we just decided to play it by the ear.

Of course, come evening and there she was - descending upon us, rather furiously with thunder storms. Yes, we are indeed referring to the rain goddess. Had us all soaked to the bone. 

She was in no mood to spare our goodies even. Not surprising, I was panic stricken but I was flanked by two super heroes by my side that night - G & G who fought the odds to have everything tucked away safely, me included :) and it all went well from there. 

Here's a peek into what we looked like that day - all happy and cheery. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I have a little secret to share

So, while we have been in a scurrying rush to get things sorted for our upcoming event this Sunday (where btw we are hoping to see you), we got an exciting project to work on. 

What it is, you ask? Well, well, we aren't too good at keeping secrets and even though this was meant to be one, we'll let you in to get a little peak. 

The Big Bang Collection - comic print 

Darling Elie - our fav and much loved Elephant print 

Yep, these are our much loved prints on fabrics :)) Now hold those horses, we aren't gonna just sell 'em as they are. Remember the little project we talked about - it's to design a fun outfit for the organiser to wear at the event with our very own print. She's chosen our 'Darling Elie' - our famous and much much loved elephant print and 'Fall' - the Bodhi leaves print for now. 

But here's the thing that's for you, while we were at it, we decided to collaborate with a real close friend of ours, Ms. S to introduce an exciting collection for your wardrobe too :)) fun, happy prints in georgettes and cotton. Limited pieces though, so be sure to be there soon.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Who needs a manicure when Sante's around the corner

Ah well, it's the time of the quarter again - when are nails are all chewed up and time's racing by at some supersonic speed. Yep, It's Sante time. What's that you ask? You surely mustn't be from Bangalore, it'd be safe to assume then, cause everyone who's been here definitely finds a reason to make it there. If it's not for looking out for some really fun stuff to buy, then for the food, and if not for that then for the music, and if not for that even, then definitely just to feel good. 

A huge crowd puller, the place reminds me of the fairs I visited when much younger. Well that's mostly Sunday Soul Sante and it's only a week to go. 

The essence of this moment's best captured by Calvin when he says, 'You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You have to be in the right mood - What mood is that? -Last-minute panic' - Calvin and Hobbes. Despite all the planning and prep, it's only last min that the right side of the brain decides to start coming up with ideas which you can't let go and that's what really leads to the 'no need for manicure state' cause by the end of it, all of it is bitten off. 

Well, so here's a sneak peak of what the right side of the brain's been helping us come up with :) Would love to know what you all think of it. 

Zoom baby zoom make up kit with super fun printed insides
Crazy Buddhas cushions 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Let's cut a long story short - who we are and what we really do!

So we have been a bit erratic with our blog posts and of course we could have our long list of excuses furnished but I'd rather skip that, save us all the boring blah blahs and get to the point. 

After being around for more than a year, I finally think a post on who we are and what we really really do should be out there. If you've ever spent a moment wondering this too, then go on and read some ...

Our eureka moment happened sometime around Jan 2012 when I realized it was a better idea for me to lose some weight chasing my dreams rather than running behind jobs I didn’t fancy much. That’s what led to Dash of Bling’s creation. Why 'Dash of Bling' though? We have a thing for slightly long names – starting from mine – Sanghmitra, but then we love cropping them to make them sound fun. So Sanghmitra became Sangs and Dash of Bling, DOB :) 

Besides my love for polkas (you’ll see tonnes of them soon in our upcoming designs) and chocolates and ice creams even, I love creating the perfect gifts – most times for others and sometimes for myself even. So yes, if you are looking for something which you want to gift a friend or for someone you love, all you need to do is write to us at dashofbling@gmail.com 

If custom gifts are not what you are looking for but instead are in the mood for some retail therapy, then you could look up our entire range. 

Our website page www.dashofbling.in will be up supppper soon but till then our FB page is fairly updated: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dash-of-Bling/143546552412388?ref=hl

That's the long and short of it mostly. If you wanna know more, drop by here on and off and you'd definitely get to see tonnes. Will definitely be back with a post of the newness soooper soon :) Till then, happy browsing